Infinity Essentials

The easiest way to learn Infinity

The Infinity rules give you a huge range of tactical options when playing. That’s why we’ve made Infinity Essentials, a step-by-step system to help new players learn Infinity in bite-sized chunks. With Essentials, it’s never been easier to learn Infinity.


Everything you need to learn Infinity

Essentials is your step-by-step guide to learning Infinity. With each new box adding new rules and miniatures to expand your games. Unlock the universe of Infinity at your own pace as you play and master each set.

Quick Start
Infinity has never been faster or easier to learn.
Each box adds a new layer to Infinity, starting with the basics.
Trooper Cards
Each set includes reference cards for every trooper in the box.
Infinity unlocked
Start your journey from new player to veteran with Infinity Essentials.

Ready to start?

Infinity Essentials
Essentials Start Here
Product Background

Essentials Start Here

PanOceania Logo


2x Fusilier, 1x Orc Troop

PanOceania Logo


2x Keisotsu, 1x Shikami

3x PanOceania dice, 3x JSA dice, 4 Profile Cards, 1x Weapons chart card, 1x Poster, Tokens, Scenery, Quick Start Rules

Get to know the factions

The Infinity Essentials product range includes four main factions: PanOceania, Yu Jing, Nomads, and JSA. Each of these factions provides a unique gaming experience, allowing players to explore different styles and strategies.


The undisputed hyper-power of the Human Sphere, PanOceania is the center of power, money and influence for humanity. A position that they maintain by conquering or suppressing all nations foolish enough to try to resist their will. Motivated and ruthless, there is no end in sight to PanOceania’s dominance.


Yu Jing

The second largest power in the Human Sphere, Yu Jing traces its roots back to Asia and the collapse then resurgence of China. Now the proud StateEmpire looks jealously at the power hoarded by PanOceania, plotting and maneuvering to replace them as number one in the Sphere.



The Nomad nation is a melting pot of criminals, the lost, misfits and those unwelcome elsewhere in the Human Sphere. They don’t see themselves as victims, but as free spirits fighting against control by the establishment which they see oppressing the rest of humanity.



For too long the Japanese people toiled under Yu Jing oppressors. Now freed by blood, Greater Independent Japan finds itself surrounded by enemies. Hungry for power and determined to never be ruled over again, they fight to carve a place for themselves in the Human Sphere.


How To Play


The Universe of Infinity

One hundred and eighty-five years in the future, humanity lives among the stars. Whilst the Human Sphere thrives, behind the scenes powerful forces strive for control. Highly trained specialists conduct surgical strikes, and clandestine operations, each hoping to further the goals of their faction.

Infinity is a sci-fi, skirmish wargame that uses 35mm miniatures with a manga aesthetic. Each game is fast-paced and cinematic, with every choice you make leading to victory… or defeat!